Creating an engaging website and content strategy for wealth management


Investec Wealth & Investment is a leading wealth management business with over £44bn of AUM and a heritage spanning 180 years.

Their existing product-led site was seen as no longer fit for purpose in a market that has seen significant transformation, driven by robo-advisers, the democratisation of wealth management and an increasing demand for wealth planning services built around user goals. As a result, the site was attracting little traffic, with high bounce rates and minimal in-bound leads.


A totally new Wealth and Investment website created within the global AEM infrastructure.

Navigation and content refocused on customer insights and resultant Investec service provision; all focused on lead generation via highly relevant CTAs at critical junctures in the customer journey.

Re-engineered ‘About Us’ environment, focusing on customer service delivery and the personalisation of each customer’s journey; case study driven and real language utilised.

‘Life Stage Planning’ proposition, allowing audiences to self identify, travel along differentiated journeys based on their life stage position and end at a suitable call to action to generate direct leads.

Delivered SEO driven ‘Insights’ content and a sophisticated social strategy designed to engender trust and gain cut through

New website featured ‘Insights’ as a key part of the customer journey and navigational path. Content driven by Search Marketing insights and matched to Investec Wealth Manager’s expertise and product offering

Created a sophisticated, brand-building social strategy designed to engender trust and gain cut-through with a sceptical audience in a saturated marketplace.

We created unprecedented levels of engagement and channel/content interaction.



revenues first month


revenue from just one lead


outperformed old website on every single metric


Delivering a highly personalised, content platform website to support DHL’s global channel marketing drive to a value rather than price proposition.

A unique Performance Marketing strategy, for an equally unique fashion brand.

A fresh new brand to change perceptions of lamb in Europe.

Let's work together to build powerful brands