Launching ESB into the highly competitive UK energy marketplace with a new and differentiated website and digital channel strategy


Launching a market entrant into an already crowded and commoditised GB energy marketplace wasn’t easy.

Positive identified a niche audience who purchase energy based as much on what the provider stands for, as on price and service, and built a website and channel marketing strategy to deliver against this.


Our brand positioning in the UK built on ESB’s core promise to create a sustainable and cleaner future for everyone.

Research unveiled ESB Energy’s green energy leadership credentials would resonate with Positive’s identified customer groupings.

SEO and CRO optimisation of the site helped improve organic listings, increase site performance and create a mobile-first experience.

Landing pages tailored to the different messaging in our ads allowed us to increase the quality score of our landing pages and decrease advertising costs.

Developing four different sets of messaging into our display ads for our identified audience groups allowed us to target users with the creative treatments most likely to resonate with them, in the places they’re most likely to be and at the time of day they’re in those places.

A GB specific social media strategy and related channels implementation was supported by a distinct brand creative.

#GetTheFutureRight aligned being an ESB Energy customer with taking positive action for a better future, poking fun at how many future predictions have gone wrong and how being an ESB customer can change the negative predictions about the future of energy usage and its effects on the globe.

Daily, weekly, monthly and key seasonal content production allowed Positive to create specific posts in relation to important occasions in the year, as well as reactive posts to issues capturing the nation’s attention, around green energy issues and energy customer service and pricing.



Display impressions - 23x
more than targeted


average engagement rate on
Social Media


increase in onsite click to lead
conversion rate


Making Wolseley the customer’s B2B brand of choice whilst driving sales across multiple divisions via Social and CRM.

Delivering a highly personalised, content platform website to support DHL’s global channel marketing drive to a value rather than price proposition.

Design and delivery of an audience centric, conversion focussed website for Investec’s Wealth and Investment Management business.

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